- ASTM E2920, 2014 Edition, Standard Guide for Recording Occupational Injuries and Illnesses
- DIN EN ISO 11064-4, 2014 Edition, Ergonomic design of control centres - Part 4: Layout and dimensions of workstations (ISO 11064-4:2013)
- IEC/PAS 62883, Edition 1.0, The universAAL framework for user interaction in multimedia AAL spaces
- ISO/TR 12295, 1st Edition, Ergonomics - Application document for International Standards on manual handling (ISO 11228-1, ISO 11228-2 and ISO 11228-3) and evaluation of static working postures (ISO 11226)
- ISO/TS 20646, 1st Edition, Ergonomics guidelines for the optimization of musculoskeletal workload
For similar standards, please see our Document Center List of Standards on Ergonomics.
And you'll also want to review my previous blog:
And for a review of the new ISO/TR 12295, please see my StandardsForum.com blog today!