Tuesday, May 16, 2017

New Conduits For Electrical Purposes Standards for the 1st Quarter 2017

Document Center, Inc. is pleased to announce that the following Standards on Conduits for Electrical Purposes are now available;

  • IEC 61084-1, Edition 2.0, Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations - Part 1: General requirements
  • IEC 61084-2-1, Edition 2.0, Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations - Part 2-1: Particular requirements - Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems intended for mounting on walls and ceilings
  • IEC 61084-2-2, Edition 2.0, Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations - Part 2-2: Particular requirements - Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems intended for mounting underfloor, flushfloor, or onfloor
  • IEC 61084-2-3, Edition 1.0, Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations - Part 2-3: Particular requirements - Slotted cable trunking systems intended for installation in cabinets
  • IEC 61084-2-4, Edition 2.0, Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations - Part 2-4: Particular requirements - Service poles and service posts

For more standards like these, please refer to our Document Center List of Standards on Conduits for Electrical Purposes.