Wednesday, August 2, 2017

New Metrology And Measurement Standards for the 2nd Quarter 2017

Document Center Inc. is pleased to announce that the following New Standards on Metrology and Measurement are now available:

  • ASTM B855, 2017 Edition, Standard Test Method for Volumetric Flow Rate of Metal Powders Using the Arnold Meter and Hall Flowmeter Funnel
  • BS ISO 1438, 2017 Edition, Hydrometry. Open channel flow measurement using thin-plate weirs
  • ISO 1438, 3rd Edition, Hydrometry - Open channel flow measurement using thin-plate weirs
  • ISO 4359, 2nd Edition, Flow measurement structures - Rectangular, trapezoidal and U-shaped flumes
  • ISO 4359-AM1, 2nd Edition with Amendment 1, AMENDMENT 1, Flow measurement structures - Rectangular, trapezoidal and U-shaped flumes     
  • BS ISO 532-1, 2017 Edition, Acoustics. Methods for calculating loudness. Zwicker method
  • ISO 26101, 2nd Edition, Acoustics - Test methods for the qualification of free-field environments
  • ISO 3745, 3rd Edition, Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Precision methods for anechoic rooms and hemi-anechoic rooms
  • ISO 3745-AM1, 3rd Edition with Amendment 1, AMENDMENT 1, Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Precision methods for anechoic rooms and hemi-anechoic rooms
  • ISO 532-1, 1st Edition, Acoustics - Methods for calculating loudness - Part 1: Zwicker method
  • BS ISO 18405, 2017 Edition, Underwater acoustics. Terminology
  • ISO 18405, 1st Edition, Underwater acoustics - Terminology
  • BS EN ISO 20361, 2015 Edition, Liquid pumps and pump units. Noise test code. Grades 2 and 3 of accuracy
  • BS IEC 60704-2-13, Edition 3.0, BS EN 60704-2-13 Ed 3.0 Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise. Part 2-13: Particular requirements for range hoods and other fume extractors
  • IEC 60704-2-13, Edition 3.0, Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 2-13: Particular requirements for range hoods and other cooking fume extractors
  • BS EN 1793-1, 2017 Edition, Road traffic noise reducing devices. Test method for determining the acoustic performance. Intrinsic characteristics of sound absorption under diffuse sound field conditions
  • BS EN ISO 11819-2, 2017 Edition, Acoustics. Measurement of the influence of road surfaces on traffic noise. The close-proximity method
  • BS ISO 18406, 2017 Edition, Underwater acoustics. Measurement of radiated underwater sound from percussive pile driving
  • ISO 11819-2, 1st Edition, Acoustics - Measurement of the influence of road surfaces on traffic noise - Part 2: The close-proximity method
  • ISO 11819-3, 1st Edition, Acoustics - Measurement of the influence of road surfaces on traffic noise - Part 3: Reference tyres
  • ISO 13471-1, 1st Edition. Acoustics - Temperature influence on tyre/road noise measurement - Part 1: Correction for temperature when testing with the CPX method
  • ISO 18406, 1st Edition, Underwater acoustics - Measurement of radiated underwater sound from percussive pile driving 
  • PD ISO 11819-3, 2017 Edition, Acoustics. Measurement of the influence of road surfaces on traffic noise. Reference tyres
  • PD ISO 13471-1, 2017 Edition, Acoustics. Temperature influence on tyre/road noise measurement. Correction for temperature when testing with the CPX method
  • BS ISO 18405, 2017 Edition, Underwater acoustics.  Terminolgy
  • ISO 18405, 1st Edition, Underwater acoustics - Terminology
  • DD IEC 62370, Withdrawn and replaced by PD IEC 62370, Electroacoustics. Instruments for the measurement of sound intensity. Electromagnetic and electrostatic compatability requirements and test procedures
  • IEC 61252-AM2, Edition 1.0 with Amendment 2, Amendment 2 - Electroacoustics - Specifications for personal sound exposure meters
  • ASTM F2117, 2010 Edition Reapproved in 2017, Standard Test Method for Vertical Rebound Characteristics of Sports Surface/Ball Systems; Acoustical Measurement         

For more standards like these, please refer to our Document Center List of Standards on Metrology and Measurement.