- ASTM E1106, 2012 Edition Reapproved in 2017, Standard Test Method for Primary Calibration of Acoustic Emission Sensors
- ASTM E1139, 2017 Edition, Standard Practice for Continuous Monitoring of Acoustic Emission from Metal Pressure Boundaries
- ASTM E1211, 2017 Edition, Standard Practice for Leak Detection and Location Using Surface-Mounted Acoustic Emission Sensors
- ASTM E1932, 2012 Edition Reapproved in 2017, Standard Guide for Acoustic Emission Examination of Small Parts
- ASTM E2611, 2017 Edition, Standard Test Method for Normal Incidence Determination of Porous Material Acoustical Properties Based on the Transfer Matrix Method
- ASTM E650, 2017 Edition, Standard Guide for Mounting Piezoelectric Acoustic Emission Sensors
- BS ISO 26101, 2017 Edition, Acoustics. Test methods for the qualification of free-field environments
- BS ISO 532-2, 2017 Edition, Acoustics. Methods for calculating loudness. Moore-Glasberg method
- ISO 1996-2, 3rd Edition, Acoustics - Description, measurement and assessment of environmental noise - Part 2: Determination of sound pressure levels
- ISO 532-2, 1st Edition, Acoustics - Methods for calculating loudness - Part 2: Moore-Glasberg method
- ASTM E1888, 2017 Edition, Standard Practice for Acoustic Emission Examination of Pressurized Containers Made of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic with Balsa Wood Cores
- ASTM E2863, 2017 Edition, Standard Practice for Acoustic Emission Examination of Welded Steel Sphere Pressure Vessels Using Thermal Pressurization
- ASTM E749, 2017 Edition, Standard Practice for Acoustic Emission Monitoring During Continuous Welding
- ASTM E751, 2017 Edition, Standard Practice for Acoustic Emission Monitoring During Resistance Spot-Welding
- BS 7135-3, Withdrawn and replaced by BS ISO 9296, Noise emitted by computer and business equipment. Method for determining and verifying declared noise emission values
- BS ISO 9296, 2017 Edition, Acoustics. Declared noise emission values of information technology and telecommunications equipment
- ISO 9296, 2nd Edition, Acoustics - Declared noise emission values of information technology and telecommunications equipment
- BS 5653, Withdrawn and replaced by BS EN 60500, Specification for hydrophones for calibration purposes
- BS EN 60500, 2017 Edition, Underwater acoustics. Hydrophones. Properties of hydrophones in the frequency range 1 Hz to 500 kHz
- IEC 61391-1-AM1, Amendment 1 for Edition 1.10, Amendment 1 - Ultrasonics - Pulse-echo scanners - Part 1: Techniques for calibrating spatial measurement systems and measurement of point-spread function response
- PD IEC 63079, 2017 Edition, Code of practice for hearing-loop systems (HLS)
- IEC 62462, Edition 2.0, Ultrasonics - Output test - Guidance for the maintenance of ultrasound physiotherapy systems
For more standards like these, please refer to our Document Center List of Acoustics and Acoustic Measurements Standards.