- ASTM E2072, 2014 Edition, Standard Specification for Photoluminescent (Phosphorescent) Safety Markings
- ASTM E2693, 2014 Edition, Standard Practice for Prevention of Dermatitis in the Wet Metal Removal Fluid Environment
- BS EN ISO 14001, 2014 Public Review Draft, Environmental management systems, Requirements with guidance for use
- BS ISO 13577-2, 2014 Edition, Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment. Safety. Combustion and fuel handling systems
- BS ISO 13577-4, 2014 Edition, Industrial furnace and associated processing equipment. Safety. Protective systems
- ISO 13392, 1st Edition, Health and safety in welding and allied processes - Arc welding fume components
- ISO 13577-2, 1st Edition, Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment - Safety - Part 2: Combustion and fuel handling systems
- ISO 13577-4, 1st Edition, Industrial furnace and associated processing equipment - Safety - Part 4: Protective systems
- ISO 18786, 1st Edition, Health and safety in welding - Guidelines for risk assessment of welding fabrication activities
For more standards like these, please see our Document Center List of Standards on Occupational Safety and Industrial Hygiene.