- ASTM F1235, 2014a Edition, Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Portable Hook-On Chairs
- ASTM F2057, 2014 Edition, Standard Safety Specification for Clothing Storage Units
- ASTM F2167, 2014a Edition, Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Infant Bouncer Seats
- ASTM F2613, 2014 Edition, Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Children's Chairs and Stools
- BS EN 1466, 2014 Edition, Child use and care articles. Carry cots and stands. Safety requirements and test methods
- BS EN 14682, 2014 Edition, Safety of children's clothing - Cords and drawstrings on children's clothing - Specifications
- ISO/IEC Guide 50, 3rd Edition, Safety aspects - Guidelines for child safety in standards and other specifications
For similar standards, please see our Document Center List of Standards on Children's Equipment.
And you may also want to review my previous postings: