Wednesday, July 24, 2013

New Statistical Analysis Standards for the 2nd Quarter 2013

Document Center Inc. is please to announce that the following New Standards on the Application of Statistical Methods are now available:

  • ASTM E1849, 1996 Edition Reapproved in 2013, Standard Guide for Fish and Wildlife Incident Monitoring and Reporting
  • ASTM E1994, 2009 Edition Reapproved in 2013, Standard Practice for Use of Process Oriented AOQL and LTPD Sampling Plans
  • ASTM E2334, 2009 Edition Reapproved in 2013, Standard Practice for Setting an Upper Confidence Bound For a Fraction or Number of Non-Conforming items, or a Rate of Occurrence for Non-conformities, Using Attribute Data, When There is a Zero Response in the Sample
  • BS 7785, Shewhart control charts, Withdrawn and Replaced by BS ISO 7870-2, 2013 Edition
  • BS ISO 7870-2, 2013 Edition, Control charts. Shewhart control charts
  • BS ISO 3534-3, 2013 Edition, Statistics. Vocabulary and symbols. Design of experiments
  • ISO 7870-2, 1st Edition, Control charts - Part 2: Shewhart control charts
  • ISO 8258, Shewhart control charts, Withdrawn and Replaced by ISO-7870-2, 1st Edition
  • ISO 3534-3, 3rd Edition, Statistics - Vocabulary and symbols - Part 3: Design of experiments
  • IEC 61710, Edition 2.0, Power law model - Goodness-of-fit tests and estimation methods

To see similar standards to the ones above, please see our Document Center List of Standards on the Application of Statistical Methods.

Document Center Inc. supports standards users in many ways.  Since statistical methods are widely used across many industries for monitoring performance and quality, we have a wide range of standards available on this topic.  We keep a close tab on these documents and offer a spectrum of monitoring services to help you keep up with the changes as they occur.  And we have a current awareness product, StandardsInformer, that can provide you with information on new releases for the topics you care about.  The service is run once a quarter and can help you spot trends that will affect your business.

When reviewing where to purchase and maintain your standards collection, think first of Document Center.  We're your Standards Experts!